10 Endearingly Hilarious Things Only Siblings Will Understand

December 03, 2018 3 min read

relatable siblings brother sister things

Brothers and sisters are our lifetime best friends, but sometimes, they can be a royal pain! They're fun to hang out with, but they also take our stuff when we're not looking. They're protective and brave, but they can also be our number 1 bullies. Certainly, a sibling's life is never dull, as proven by these funny, ridiculous, crazy things you can surely relate to if you grew up with a brother or a sister.


1. The rules don't always apply (especially to the youngest).

It's like your parents finally got tired of enforcing the rules by the time your youngest sibling came along. Just look at the differences in curfews!

Shirts pictured above: Child sibling rules


2. They love getting on your nerves.

Being a sibling means fighting a precarious power struggle. Never ever let them provoke you or catch you being naughty -- they'll surely use that against you, in front of your parents, no less.


3. It's a clash of attitudes!

Maybe the reason you fight so much with your sibling is that you have the exact same amount of attitude. Much like the rest of your family!

Shirt pictured above: "I Get My Attitude From..."


4. They have exclusive bullying rights on you.

At school, anyone who picks on you will have to answer to your bro or sis. But at home? You suffer all kinds of torture from your very protector.


5. When it goes too far...

As soon as you realize you've hit your sibling too hard, you tremble at what you've done. And at the prospect of getting caught by mom. Good luck trying to hush a crying sibling.


6. You take it out on video games.

A safe way to get back at your brother? Beat him to the console so he's left playing Luigi on Super Mario.

Shirt pictured above: "I'm A Gamer Because..."


7. All is fair in love and wardrobe.

After all the brawls and the hair-pulling, none of you can ultimately beat the Divine Word of Mom. Especially when it comes to matching clothes. For an older sibling, this is punishment; for the younger ones, it's vindication!


8. You fuel each other's craziness.

Whether it's daring each other to eat those childhood mud pies, or taking turns sneaking out to high school parties, there's an endless supply of crazy ideas between siblings. A lot of us have scars (or tattoos!) that prove this.

Wall art pictured above: "Relax, We're All Crazy"


9. You have a (reluctant) ego-booster.

Your sibling may be mean and gross sometimes, but when it's time to prepare for a school dance or to talk to your crush, they always have your back. Sometimes for a fee.

Mug pictured above: "Awesome Sister"


10. You'd never pick anyone else.

Admit it: Through all the love and hate, after all the harsh words and punches, you could never imagine yourself having someone else as a sibling. Guess you just have to embrace the yelling and the farts forever.

Wall art pictured above: "No Buddy Like A Brother"


What's your funniest experience with your brother or sister? Share in the comments! Also check out great sibling gifts at the customer-starred Gear Den shop!


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